「Cara」(カーラ)はアーティスト向けのSNS&ポートフォリオプラットフォームです。 よかったら、フォローよろしくお願いします! Rie Koike (@kocketz) | Cara – Artist Social & Portfolio Platform https://cara.app/kocketz
Please follow me; I have a new Cara account. Rie Koike (@kocketz) | Cara – Artist Social & Portfolio Platform https://cara.app/kocketz
Cara is a social networking and portfolio platform for artists.
[How did I get started?]
◎It will be able to post in combination with Glaze (image generation AI learning prevention tool). Recently, when I posted my work made into image data, I had to apply Glaze or Web Glaze before posting. This eliminates one hassle! From now on, it seems that Glaze will be applied at the time of posting.
◎Posts and Portfolios can be separated. Select both or one of them when I submit a post. →I think it would be nice to be able to highlight only the completed works!
Some of my works take a long time to create, and I tend to mix the work in progress with the finished product on the timeline, making it difficult to see the actual style of the work. “Postfolio“ is like Instagram with a bird’s eye view of the list of works. The daily details can be viewed on “Posts”. I thought it would be nice to be able to do this on a single SNS.
First of all, I would like to have a list of recently created works. Little by little, I will add past works so that you can see them all at a glance.
I have also added “Cara” to the recently created “Linktree”. We will list here what we are currently running and change it as needed.