七夕祭り かんむりかぶって みんなで踊った
そのとき なぜか バナナをつけた
運動会で かんむりかぶって みんなで踊った
このとき ダンスの唄が パイナップル
楽しけりゃ 変身するもの なんでもいいわね
Paper crown made by teachers
A paper crown made by a nursery school teacher.
The banana crown was worn when dancing at the Tanabata Festival.
My daughter wore the pineapple crown at her sports day dance.
The Tanabata Festival is usually held around July 7th or August 7th every year in Japan.
On this day, people hang colorful papers where their wishes are written on bamboo branches.
It’s based on the legend of Orihime and Hikoboshi and represents two stars, Vega and Altair.